Hot Dogs and Tomato Soup

No one is really sure where Gma picked up this recipe – whether it was one of those soup can recipes or a common sense combination, but I was reminded of this dish when I was watching “This Is Us” where Jack makes a version for his kids as he remembers his mom making it for him. I think the combination of tomato and onions is a fairly common-sense combination depending on the region you live in, so this is probably one of those dishes that every parent pieced together in their own way. If you love hot dogs, ketchup and onions, this is a really comforting dish served over hot rice!

  • 1 15 oz package hot dogs, sliced
  • 2-3 Tablespoons butter
  • 1 small onion sliced in lengths
  • 1 10.5 oz can Campbell’s Tomato Soup
  • 1/2 can full of water

Sautee onions and sliced hot dogs in butter over medium heat until the onions are softened and translucent, not browned. Add the tomato soup and the water and mix to incorporate into a thin, sauce-like consistency Let the mixture come to a gentle simmer, adding water if the mixture gets too thick/gloopy. Simmer until the sauce is fully heated through, then serve over hot rice.